Sunday, January 31, 2021


The United Nations 

 Foundation of the UNO: 

In the second world war (WW II), which lasted six years (1939-45) millions of people died or wounded. people suffered from hunger, poverty, and diseases on a large scale. People decided to end wars in the future, so they formed United Nations Organization (UNO) in 1945. 

Organs of the UN: General Assembly : 

              It is the main organ of the UN and comprises all the member nations. it works is related to peace in the world. 

Security Council: 

it consists of 15members. Five of them are permanent, while the rest are elected for two years. 

Secretariat : 

The chief officer of the UN is called secretary-general, who is elected for 5years. people from all over the world work here.

 International Bank: 

It lends money to member nations for the welfare of people. 

World Health Organization (WHO):

 it works for International health. 

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) : 

Its work is to eliminate hunger from the world. 


It advances knowledge, science, and culture in the world. 

Role of the UN: 

The UN has failed to end wars from the world. however, it has succeeded in fighting some social evils from the world.

What is the function of an International Bank? 

The International Bank lends money to member countries for the development of roads, railway, canals, electric power, plants, and food control.  

What is the Important difference between the General Assembly and Security Council? 

General Assembly is the central part of U.N.O Where every member nation can send five representatives, but these five representatives have One Veto. General Assembly elects its own president for each sitting. The security councils made up of fifteen members. five of these are permanent and they have the power of "veto". Through this power, they can reject and issue from the discussion. The other ten is selected by the General Assembly for two years term. The Security Council meeting can be held at any time or any important issue.

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