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» The Abbot Of Canterbury
The Abbot Of Canterbury
The Abbot Of Canterbury
The poet tells us an interesting story about King John, the cruel ruler of England and The Abbot of Canterbury. Once king john came to know that the abbot of canterbury was leading a very magnificent life. He was living in a more beautiful house than the king. he also entertained one hundred people daily in his home He also kept fifty servants, with velvet coats with golden chains. The king became jealous and called the abbot in his court in London city and put the charge of treason on him.
The abbot refuted the charge but the king asked three questions from the abbot and laid the condition that if he could not give correct answers to his three questions, then his head would be cut off from his body. In the first question, the king wanted to know his value even in the shape of pennies. Secondly, he wanted to know how much time he would require to have a complete round of the world. Thirdly the king asked him what he was thinking at that moment. The king however gave him a time period of three weeks. The abbot was very much worried and he approached the great professor and scholars of Oxford and Cambridge university but he could not get even an answer to a single question. At last, when only three days were left, he was returning to his home where on the way he met his shepherd, who greatly resembled him. When the shepherd came to know about the problem of his master, he proposed to appear before King john on behalf of his master.
At last, the shepherd, wearing the clothes of the abbot, appeared before King John and gave him an answer to his three questions. To the first question, he answered that the price of king john was only twenty-nine pence and he proved his answer by quoting the example of Jesus Christ, who was sold for only thirty pence by the Jews. Secondly, he told the king that he would require only twenty-four hours to have a complete round of the world. He quoted the example of the sun, who completes the round of the world in twenty-four hours. Thirdly he told the king that he thought of him as the abbot of Canterbury whereas he was only his poor shepherd.
Kings John became very much happy by the wisdom of the shepherd and gave him an award of four nobles a week and also pardoned the Abbot of Canterbury.
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