Make Money Online with No Money, No Skills, No Website ( 1 Week Challenge! )
you don't need a website you don't need any budget you don't need any online skills you
just need to follow up with me in this short video where i will show you exactly
a strategy to make money online even from the first month or more than that even from the first
week not only that in this video i have a $50 cash giveaway for you as i promised in each video i
will try my best to run a giveaway to help you as much as i can so stay tuned and follow up with me
hi everyone i'm hasan from h-educate and today i'm so excited that i published this new video
where i will show you exactly how you can make money online even with no skills with
zero dollars budget so i don't like wasting time let's go directly and explain our strategy but
before please don't forget to subscribe now to my channel turn on notifications to get every new
update almost every day so let's go directly to the point and see how this strategy works simply
whenever you want to make money online or even offline the general strategy is selling a product
so that's simple we have a product and we have an audience that love to buy this product so
you sell them this product it's so simple now you may tell me we have a main problem here
that i don't have a product to sell and i don't have any audience because i don't have any website
no youtube channels i didn't work online before i want to start today so the main two problems here
is that we don't have a product and we don't have an audience so we need traffic to a product and
we need a product so this is simply the scenario what i'm going to show you in this video is how to
get a product is how to get a selling page and how to get an audience and get traffic to this product
so you can sell this product wow i said product more than 10 times i think if you didn't get it
don't worry just wait with me only 5 minutes and you will see how you can make money from
the first week even if you follow this strategy look to be honest with you i must say these words
90% of people watching this video or any course or video on youtube will not apply what they learn
they are maybe afraid to apply or maybe they are just lazy only 10% will try this
and from this 10% only 5% will succeed why? because they will have that will to continue
and work for at least one month what i'm going to show you now really requires only maybe one hour
a day for only one month to see direct results i'm not telling you i will not lie to you now
and tell you you will make $10,000 or $5,000 even though it's possible but in 90% of cases
you will earn like $100 or$ 200 or maybe up to $500 from the first one or two months
but this budget that you will earn like these $300 dollars or $200 will be used to grow online
so then you can run paid ads so please stick with me and try your best just give that one hour per
day to apply what i will teach you in this video so as i mentioned we have mainly two problems
we need a product and we need traffic let's start by solving the first problem
that we want a product of course you don't have a product if you have it's perfect
but i think as a beginner you don't have anything so from where you can get a product to sell simply
the best choice is to go with affiliate marketing here is to find affiliate products now i will go
to my screen and show you four examples and one is so simple to use and it's available in any country
if one of these options is not available so let's go together and see these four examples
number one is clickbank clickbank is maybe number one affiliate marketplace you can simply go to and sign up and then go here to shop click on the shop and you'll find a lot a
lot a lot of products to sell we can simply go here and see like arts entertainment languages
we have a lot of products to sell we have ebooks games accessories applications whatever you want
you can see here we have a lot of products so simply sign up to clickbank and go and
select a product to promote now in this video i can't go with each service and sign up and
show you in detail the procedure but just to get the idea now we need a product we have clickbank
as an awesome place to get a product if clickbank is not available in your country you can go with
an alternative also a big affiliate service or company is cj affiliate i work with cj also
it's perfect i promote some web hosting company services and so on so simply go to cj affiliate
and go and find also a product to promote now in this video my main point is to show you
the easiest alternative as a beginner so let's say you don't want to go with clickbank or cg
affiliate these big companies we can go with an awesome alternative which is warrior plus before
i show you this awesome website i want to show you my dashboard to give you some motivation so in the
affiliate section here click on dashboard and here we are you can see i made like 600 last 30 days
believe me without using my website without using my youtube channel just following
the strategy i will show you now so this is warrior plus let's go back to the main screen
and what you are going to do now simply is go back to affiliate here and go to offers so you
need to check what offers are available to promote let's go here down and you'll get a big table of
products and services with conversion rate with visitor value average sales refund rate so you
can pick the best product to promote as an example let's see here sort by maybe sales how many sales
you can see now like this one zero hour work day got 25,000 sales with conversion rate up to 13%
you can see average sale is around $2 so you just pick a product that fits you fits you maybe what
you love maybe you love about nutrition about gaming about digital marketing just search for
a product that fits you and you want to promote as an example in my case like here we have this
product thumbnail blaster it has around 7,500 sales with value visitor up to $5 it's around $37
so 4% refund rates somehow a good product click on this offer and here is the offer page what
you are going to do simply is click on request approval here just click on request approval and
the company this the author of this application will approve you and also you can view the sales
page here let's open it so here is the sales page so as we can see we don't need a website because
the sales page is ready for you you just want to copy this sales page link from your account and
promote it i don't want to waste more time on this i just want you to understand the strategy
so just get an affiliate offer we have a lot of products here to promote just get the best one
you feel i will sure create a specific video about choosing the best products and going in details
but in this video is not the best time to do this now it's not a full course so just pick a product
and then get the link of the page the sales page and now we need to promote it okay i think the
idea is somehow so simple we got a product we solve the first problem we have the product and
we have the sales page the landing page so you don't need to worry about any website now or any
products we solve the first issue now the main problem the second main problem is how to get
visitors how to get audience how to get traffic to the sales page so you can get some conversions
we need at least to get like maybe 5,000 or 10,000 visitors per month to our sales page so we can get
some conversions and see numbers like the ones i showed you in dashboard like $500 or $400 per
month now since you have no websites you don't have any youtube channel no audience no email list
you have nothing the easiest path to get traffic is simply two places forums and q & a sites
please concentrate well in this spot this is the main part of your work the first part will maybe
take 10 minutes of the full month you just get some products in 10 minutes and now the real work
starts you need to promote this you need to work like 30 minutes or one hour per day promoting this
service or this product the best place to start with as i told you is forums and q & a sites and
one of the best is simply Quora number one q & a site on this planet on earth and the second
website is reddit i think you know reddit look if we go into quora and click on the similar web
extension we can see we have up to 500 million views per month and we have 71 rank in the U.S
you know 50% of this number is from the U.S so it's a high high targeted traffic we have people
here who can buy things online easily so it's a very important place to start with to promote
your product and as you will see when you start you can get results from the first day look at
my stats here just go here to my profile to stats let's go to the seven days you can see here like
i have 2,600 views, 2,000 views you can see up to 2,000 views per day i told you i need 5,000
views per month here we have 2,000 views per day so it's awesome if you go to my profile click on
my profile you can see 65,000 views this month 225 content views so quora is an awesome place
to start with if you want to promote anything and grow online the second website is reddit
reddit if you go here to similar web you will see now a really exciting number 1.5 billion visitors
rank 11 in the U.S so reddit and quora are the top two websites to start with if you want to promote
a service but but and but forget about spamming because you will destroy everything just give one
hour a day or maybe even 30 minutes a day without spamming and you will see results from the first
even week please focus well with me and don't waste your time with spamming so we have now quora
and reddit what you are going to do simply on quora answering questions related to the product
as an example the product here is about growing youtube thumbnail i don't know what anything
so you will search about youtube questions as an example grow youtube anything search for this
keyword and you will find a lot a lot of questions about this topic you can simply go and answer
these questions as i told you don't spam just give real value now you tell me i don't know anything
about this topic i love it but i don't know anything simply you can just get this question as
an example who has the fastest growing channel on youtube whatever you can simply copy this
question and paste in google and just search and read about this question and rephrase it and then
post your answer again just give some value and then you can mention your links
now as a best practice on quora don't mention your links in each answer so
each day you are going to answer like five to ten questions and you will mention your
links in only one or two questions so not to get banned or not to be classified as spammer
okay so answer five questions so for each five answers put one link in your answers other great
tip to go with quora is to go with spaces spaces is like groups in quora where people are talking
about a specific point let's go here to youtube marketing as an example so here you can also post
an article a small article or whatever so instead of having your own blog or having your own website
you can post your small blog posts here inside quora for free and get a lot of traffic believe
me you will get a lot of traffic i'm telling you this after more than one year experiencing
quora and how it works i explained this in detail quora best practices and how to use quora and a
full detailed video here on my channel please go and watch it it's very important to understand
how quora works so tip number one search for questions tip number two go with spaces
a small tip also let's go back to grow youtube any keyword you can go here to the last to the
last week or past day so you will be the first one to answer a question did you get the point
so just search for new questions and answer them so people will see your answers first so this is
about quora it really works i'm telling you this it really works i get thousands of views
every day from quora to my website to my offers to my products to my youtube page
i get thousands of views so please go now and check quora it's awesome it's not my website i'm
not promoting anything i'm just trying to help you i'm just sharing with you what really works online
this is what 90% of successful people do online when they start to get some more traffic the
second website is reddit now to be honest with you i don't use reddit that too much maybe like once
per two weeks and so on but it's really an awesome website to get traffic from here you can find
something called reddits like if you want go to youtube here and search for some communities
that you can post also something it helps people and share your links on reddit also don't go and
spam just try your best to help people answer their questions share your valuable information
and then you can share some links to get some sales so as i told you i don't use reddit that
too much you can see my karma is around 3000 it's somehow good but i can do much much more
with it if you if i want but i really i don't have that much time to go that also be beside my
main online business anyway so we have quora and reddit as the first place where you can get
traffic for free and fast from the first day to your offers or your products or whatever you want
so i think in this way i solved the two problems you don't need a website you can get the sell page
directly from warrior plus and you can promote then on quora and on reddit by sharing valuable
info answering people's questions and sharing the links now as a good practice a small tip
if you want just don't share the affiliate link directly you can create maybe a small blog post
also for free using a website called blogger this is optional but i think it's somehow
a good tip to go with go to it's a company by google where you can create a blog
totally for free even without a domain whatever you want just log in with your gmail account i
create a small page where you can share more details about the offer and the offer link
and paste inside quora and reddit i know i mentioned a lot of details and information
but the main strategy i think is somehow clear going in detail in each topic requires um maybe
two hours course i will try my best to publish more videos and more videos about this topic
and how to grow in detail but you know that i have a lot of videos and topics on my schedule
i will try my best to add this also one last tip before i end this video and go to the giveaway i
want to tell you if you don't want to go with companies like CJ affiliate or warrior plus or
clickbank you can go with direct affiliate products like as an example getresponse an
whenever someone sign ups to get response using your link to a paid plan you will get $100
one-time payment or you can get recurring commission every month 33% for each sale
this is perfect so also you can go with these affiliate programs and go to quora and answer
questions about email marketing or even you can go to an email marketing space go here
and search for an email marketing space an example or a marketing space and do a comparison between
like getresponse and mailchimp and then you can mention the getresponse offers inside your post
in quora or on reddit so this is how things work get a product promote it with quora and reddit and
i promise you if you do this correctly you will see results from the first week i promise that
from the first week you can get your first couple of sales and you can make at least like one or
two hundred dollars from the first month if you do this if you do what i told you in this video
so that's it let's go now to our giveaway for this video we have a $50 cash giveaway
if you want to enroll just comment below "i am in the giveaway" and like the video and see you soon
in the community section where i will announce the upcoming winners thank you and see you later
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