Thursday, April 22, 2021

Meditation technique for beginners

                      Meditation technique for beginners

Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script

The Transcendental Meditation technique is an easy, effortless practice!
It’s effortless because the technique allows you to use your mind’s own nature to transcend, and the nature of our mind is to search for greater & greater happiness and peace.
It’s not in our nature to be small. We all want peace, joy, health and wealth! It’s our minds that fuel that desire and the TM technique uses that tendency to bring the mind to the ultimate and infinite reservoir of bliss and serenity within.
It can be so easy to see other’s success and think it happened overnight. Most often, success is a series of small wins, built up over.

We can all live abundant lives, full of health and wealth, by starting within ourselves.
Practicing the TM technique can be a daily ‘win’, because it creates a foundation of clarity, confidence, and creativity from which we can better accomplish our goals - however big or small they may be.

What is the TM® technique?

In the TM course, you learn how to effortlessly transcend — go beyond the surface level of your awareness. This state of deep inner silence is typically unavailable from meditation apps and other techniques. What is transcending?

Evidence-based results

The TM technique's benefits start right away, and keep growing. Hundreds of independent research studies have found major increases in calmness, creativity, energy, clarity of mind, and happiness.

Comparing different kinds of meditation

published meta-analysis of 42 scientific studies reported "The effect size of TM on overall self-actualization was approximately 3 times as large as that of other forms of meditation and relaxation."

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