Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Tit for Tat Or As Yow Sow So Shall You Reap

Tit for Tat Or As Yow Sow So Shall You Reap

There were three friends, two of them were very greedy. while the third one was simple and innocent. Once they were going together somewhere. On the way, they found a bag of gold. They were very happy to find the gold. they decided to divide the gold equally among themselves.

As they had found so much wealth, they thought of having a great feast. The most greedy friend asked one of his friends to go and bring some good meals from a hotel. Now the most greedy of them all, thought of a plan to get the whole gold. He took his innocent friends to a well pretending to get some water from there. On reaching the well, he pushed his simple and innocent friend into the well. He drowned in the well and died.

when the other friend brought the meal, the other friend stabbed him to death. After that, he had a meal. soon he died too. As there was poison in it. The friend who brought the food had mixed poison in it to get the whole gold. All of them died, and the gold kept lying there.

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