Friday, December 4, 2020

Do Good, Have Good


                                 DO GOOD, HAVE GOOD

A  lion was sleeping soundly in a forest. A mouse happened to run over the lion's body . The lion was disturbed. It woke up for its deep sleep. when the lion saw the mouse, It held the mouse in its paw. The lion was very angry with the mouse , because it had disturbed its sound sleep. The lion was about to kill the mouse. however, it did not kill the mouse because it had begged the lion for mercy. The mouse told the lion that it would help it some day if it did not kill it . The lion laughed at the mouse. The lion thought that it was not possible that a mouse could help it in difficulty. Anyway, the lion let the mouse go.
one day the same lion was caught in a hunter's net the lion roared loudly. The mouse heard the lion's roar . It came to the lion and saw the lion trapped in the net . The mouse cut the net with its sharp teeth and set the lion free. The lion  thanked the mouse . that all:

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